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Nelspruit, South Africa
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Monday, 15 August 2011

The 15-minute bonking that ruined officers' lives

The 15-minute bonking that ruined officers' lives

15 Aug 2011 | Mogomotsi Selebi

TWO law enforcement officers were supposed to guard a suspect they had transported from a prison to a government hospital for a medical check-up.

Big, a father of seven, is in hospital suffering from depression

But while the suspect was being attended to in one of the wards at Leratong Hospital in Krugersdorp, west of Johannesburg, the on-duty correctional officer and police officer decided to engage in a bonking exercise that lasted for well over 15 minutes.

Big*, the male correctional services, officer from Krugersdorp Prison and Nina*, a female police officer, were caught on video having sex in a hospital waiting room. Both officers are from Kagiso, near Krugersdorp, on the West Rand.

Sowetan has a copy of the video, which shows the officers having sex while in uniform. Big is seen dancing while waiting for Nina to arrive. Once she is in the room, Big grabs her and she responds affectionately. He moves his hands towards her private parts. She is all smiles.

Shortly thereafter Big, with Nina's help, hastily takes down her tight pants and underpants. The pair then move to a nearby table where the woman, who is sporting a silver wedding ring, leans backwards.

Big swiftly unzips his brown pants before appearing to penetrate her without a condom.

Speaking from his hospital bed in Krugersdorp, the red-faced Big, who is suffering from depression, told Sowetan in a phone interview last week that he had been under tremendous stress since the incident took place a few months ago.

"After the video went out I planned to commit suicide by taking an overdose of pills, but my wife realised what I was planning to do and hid the pills away. I was then admitted to hospital for depression," he said.

He admitted that he had recorded the act himself, saying this was to make sure that he would be safe in case Nina turned around and accused him of rape. She was not aware that Big was recording the entire session.

"But a friend from Randfontein police station managed to get hold of the footage and sent it to a number of people and that has ruined my life," he said.

Currently suspended, the father of seven said he was thankful to his wife who had stood by him.

"I resigned on July 26 and my wife has been taking care of the family. I am sorry for what I did to her," he said.

Department of Correctional Services spokesperson Phumlani Ximiya said the act has brought the department into disrepute and it would take harsh action.

Attempts to reach Nina through her police station were unsuccessful yesterday.

*Not their real names, but Sowetan knows their identities.

1 comment:

  1. I know this gonna sound really odd but can you send me the link for the video. Thanks
