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Wednesday, 8 June 2011

ANCYL plots to take over ANCWL

ANCYL plots to take over ANCWL

Jun 8, 2011 | Kingdom Mabuza and Alex Matlala | Sowetan

IN A fresh bid to have a strong voice within the ANC, the ANC Youth League now wants dominance in the ANC Women's League

The youth league's discussion document urges female members to swell the ranks of the women's league and take over leadership.
According to the league's discussion document which will be tabled during the conference in Midrand, Johannesburg, next week, the women's league needs strengthening.
"The ANCYL should not be ashamed to discuss and be concerned about the future of the women's league, and it calls that the youth league should be preoccupied with the tasks to determine future leadership of the women's league," says the discussion document.
The document further says the membership records of the youth league indicate the growth in numbers of female members, and that means young women are in the majority in the organisation.
"These put the youth league in a position to meaningfully contribute in the building and strengthening of the women's league. It should be the ambition of young women to fill the ranks of the women's league to ensure its future survival."
Sowetan understands that the outgoing youth league general-secretary, Vuyiswa Tulelo, is positioned to contest for a leadership position when the women's league holds its conference next year.
Tulelo, who turns 35 years next month, no longer qualifies for youth league membership.
An ANCYL national leader who spoke to Sowetan on condition of anonymity said Tulelo had been identified to transform the women's league to a militant organ of the ANC with an ability "to bite", alongside the youth league.
The youth league is apparently unhappy with the women's league's lack of visibility, particularly during the recent local government elections.
"Angie Motshekga (women's league president) has dismally failed to engage DA leader Helen Zille in meaningful, public debates during the election campaign.
"It was left to Julius Malema to take Zille head-on about issues at stake, and whatever Malema says is being construed as sexist comments by feminists and his political detractors," said the leader.
League spokesperson Floyd Shivambu said what was contained in the discussion document were not policy positions, and there were no discussions about Tulelo's role in the ANCWL.

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